proprietary — pro·pri·e·tary 1 /prə prī ə ˌter ē/ n pl tar·ies 1: something that is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker; specif: a drug (as a patent medicine) that is protected by secrecy, patent, or copyright… … Law dictionary
proprietary — pro‧pri‧e‧ta‧ry [prəˈpraɪətri ǁ teri] adjective 1. based on ideas, information etc belonging to one particular company, rather than on ideas etc that any company can use: • The process we use to review what we market is proprietary, and… … Financial and business terms
proprietary — [prə prī′ə ter΄ē, prōprī′ə ter΄ē] n. pl. proprietaries [LL proprietarius < L proprietas: see PROPERTY] 1. a proprietor or owner 2. a group of proprietors 3. proprietorship or ownership ☆ 4. the grantee or owner of a proprietary colony in… … English World dictionary
Proprietary — Pro*pri e*ta*ry, a. [L. proprietarius.] Belonging, or pertaining, to a proprietor; considered as property; owned; as, proprietary medicine. [1913 Webster] {Proprietary articles}, manufactured articles which some person or persons have exclusive… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Proprietary — Pro*pri e*ta*ry, n.; pl. {Proprietaries}. [L. proprietarius: cf. F. propri[ e]taire. See {Propriety}, and cf. {Proprietor}.] 1. A proprietor or owner; one who has exclusive title to a thing; one who possesses, or holds the title to, a thing in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
proprietary — mid 15c., possessing worldly goods in excess of a cleric s needs, from M.L. proprietarius owner of property, noun use of L.L. adj. proprietarius of a property holder, from L. proprietas owner (see PROPERTY (Cf. property)). Meaning held in private … Etymology dictionary
proprietary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to or characteristic of an owner or ownership. 2) (of a product) marketed under a registered trade name. ORIGIN from Latin proprietarius proprietor , from proprietas property … English terms dictionary
proprietary — /praprayat(eh)riy/ A proprietor or owner; one who has the exclusive title to a thing; one who possesses or holds the title to a thing in his own right; one who possesses the dominion or ownership of a thing in his own right. The grantees of… … Black's law dictionary
Proprietary — The word proprietary indicates that a party, or proprietor, exercises private ownership, control or use over an item of property.Terms relating to Proprietary include: *Proprietary bottling *Proprietary church *Proprietary colleges *Proprietary… … Wikipedia
proprietary — proprietarily /preuh pruy i tair i lee, pruy i ter /, adv. /preuh pruy i ter ee/, adj., n., pl. proprietaries. adj. 1. belonging to a proprietor. 2. being a proprietor; holding property: the proprietary class. 3. pertaining to property or… … Universalium